Sermons - Audio
Downloads - January 5, 2025

God is downloading vision to his leaders who will wait on Him. Here, Pastor Joe shares, in his words, an "insane" and "impossible" vision. Yet, at the foundation of the passage in Deuteronomy looked at verse by verse here, God reveals himself as lord of heaven and earth, for whom nothing is impossible. It is absolutely essential that churches get a vision, a BIG vision, that has the next generation at its center.
Quantum Leap Year - December 29, 2024

As we approach the new year, God's desire for us in 2025 is to take a quantum leap into our destinies. Many scriptures call our Christian life a race, and we are to run to win. Too many believers lag behind because they have no destination in their sight. Depression and fruitlessness is the result. It's time to lay hold of that for which Christ lays hold of us and enter into a life of God's purposes and dreams fulfilled.
Wise Men Prophecies - December 22, 2024

The Wise Men of the Christmas story recognized the prophetic moment that they were in, and they sought an encounter with the King of Kings. Do recognize the prophetic moment we are in? Do you need a guiding "star" in your life right now? In this message there are several prophetic words and keys to unlocking new encounters with Jesus.
Throwing Down Jezebel - April 28, 2024

There's a lot of talk about the "Jezebel spirit." Is there such a thing? What is it exactly? How is it affecting believers today? Pastor Joe looks at what this spirit is and how to throw it down.
Loopholes - April 21, 2024

Much controversy has recently surrounded some of the methods churches use to reach people. Are they seeking loopholes in winning individuals and our world to Christ? God has actually given us incredible loopholes: the Cross and the power of the Spirit! Are we missing these in favor of using worldly methods?
Cat 5 Crush - Prophetic Swirl - September 3, 2023

Romans 16:20 says that the God of peace will soon crush Satan under OUR feet. It is time to reject the false teachings that despise the prophetic and other gifts of the Spirit. Michigan, and specifically the Thumb, and the church of Port Huron, has a prophetic mandate to be at the front of crushing Satan's evil agenda in our nation, particularly in regards to defiling children. Pastor was able to connect with national leaders such as Lou Engle and Lance Wallnau in the past week and shares about a prophetic swirl that is taking place.
Love and Hate - January 8, 2023

Many today are confused about what real love is. Real love actually involves hate: hatred of evil. But what is evil? Jesus defines evil for us... and it's something not just widely practiced in the world, but in the church world too!
Times of Refreshing - August 7, 2022

We all need times of refreshing. How do we access it? Pastor Joe shares three keys, including the first: vision. The second part of this message looks at the exciting vision for Port Huron Assembly of God, sure to refresh those who want to be a part of something great!
The Adults in the Room - July 3, 2022

We live in a culture that refuses to grow up. It wants to hold on to its childish and sinful ways and castigates anyone who gets in their way. But it's time for the adults in the room to stand up. It's time to refuse to be intimidated and to speak the truth in love.
Gog and Magog - February 27, 2022

The events in Ukraine point directly to very specific Bible prophecies. Uniquely qualified from his vast experience in Biblical scholarship, teaching, travel to the region, and ethnic background, Pastor Joe brings light to today's events. Other important elements of Bible prophecy are discussed, encouraging the believer and pointing to the supernatural character of the Bible to the unbeliever.
God's Accounting Methods - February 20, 2022

In the challenging days we are living in, Satan is holding too many people hostage in unbelief, depriving them of God making deposits of blessings into their lives. Are you desiring healing, financial needs met, the salvation of loved ones, revival in our nation? God's accounting methods have always been the same. Exercise what's in this message and start seeing deposits appear in your "account."
Godlike - January 23, 2022

In this day that has been called "The Great Resignation," many are frustrated or even giving up on work. But to work is to be Godlike. This message will powerfully motivate you in EVERYTHING you do!
Reason to Believe - December 19, 2021

In these days of great trials and tragedies, even the strongest believer in God can struggle with faith, let alone the person who is still an unbeliever. But we have reason to believe. Three things point to the reality of God and Jesus Christ that are so overwhelming, that it becomes delusional to not believe!
Peace - December 12, 2021

We live in a day of great anxiety. But the Bible calls God "the God of Peace." Peace in life begins with peace with God. How do we get that? Sadly, many believers have lost their peace. They have sabotaged their own peace by taking on burdens they shouldn't, including getting caught up in the controversies of the day. We can ill afford not to be in peace in these turbulent days.

Do we realize who we are as believers? Do we realize that THE Son has made us, both men and women, sons of the Father in Heaven? In these trying days, we don't need to fear. We need to know that as sons of God, we can live above the circumstances.
Backslide from Your Backsliding - August 22, 2021

One of the marks of the last days is a great falling away from the faith. The last days proliferation of false teachers and false prophets is one of the reason. Believer, DO NOT BACKSLIDE. Your state will be worse than if you never knew the Lord. May this message encourage you to stay with the Lord.
Deceivers, Demons, and Destruction - Part 2 - July 11, 2021

Part 2 as we look at the Apostle Peter's second letter in the New Testament, a prophetic message to us today. We learn about end-times deceivers, the role of demons and where they come from, and the destructions that are already beginning to come to pass. Even the recent government UFO report is relevant! But there is good news in all this! Find out what it is
Deceivers, Demons, and Destruction - June 27, 2021

The Apostle Peter's second letter in the New Testament is a prophetic message to us today. We learn about end-times deceivers, the role of demons, and the destructions that are already beginning to come to pass. Even the recent government UFO report is relevant! Hear what Pastor Joe's godly grandmother told him about UFOs almost 50 years ago!
What You Don't Know CAN... - April 25, 2021

The Christian walk is not just about subtracting (stop doing this, stop doing that), but it is about ADDING and MULTIPLYING. Peter the Apostle writes that if we add certain things, we will become fruitful and productive (multiplication). Two of those things, virtue and knowledge, are looked at here. If we ignore the latter, it is to our peril.
Giving All Diligence - April 18, 2021

Many people see Christian faith as something full of subtraction. Stop doing this. Stop doing that. The Apostle Peter tells us to ADD to our faith. When we are diligent to add certain things to our faith, it will result in acceleration in our walk with God and in gaining prosperity in life.
After Laodicea - March 28, 2021

A lukewarm "Laodicean" spirit is imprisoning much of the church world and many believers today. As a result, America as we know it will not survive. BUT it will be revived! It is time to awaken because a third Great Awakening is coming to America. Hear Pastor Joe share a personal story of awakening plus prophetic words from two Christian leaders concerning what is about to take place.
Cast Your Care - March 7, 2021

This season full of crises has weighed many hearts down. But God invites us to cast our care upon Him. There is great power in prayer. Literally, He welcomes us to throw before Him all the things that divide our hearts.
How to Spot a Wolf - February 28, 2021

We live in dangerous times. Many people are being deceived by false prophets. This was predicted by Jesus. He said wolves would come in sheep's clothing. How do we spot a wolf? The best way is to know what a good shepherd looks like. The apostle Peter shows us what a good shepherd looks like and tells us to watch out for predators.
Judgment Begins Here - February 21, 2021

Are you longing for judgment to come against wickedness? Just know that judgment always begin in the house of God. That judgment is already taking place in the church in America. Why? Is there a way out? The apostle Peter gives us the answers
Love! - February 14, 2021

A couple of great testimonies open this up. Then Pastor contrasts worldly love vs. real love and teaches on how to live a life of supernatural love. The service closes with communion that you can join in on.
The Port Huron REstatement - January 10, 2021

Nearly 60 years ago, a group of students, seeking to bring about justice in the world. composed a document that has quietly impacted influencers over the years. Today, we are seeing its full manifestation coming to pass as America takes a hard turn to the political left. It is The Port Huron Statement. Many of its goals were noble. But without Jesus Christ at the center, all justice movements will inevitably lead to great injustice. God wants a Port Huron REstatement. Not so much a document, but a year of prayer, worship, and proclamation, with Jesus at the center, leading to a new justice movement with a new generation of his disciples powering it.
When Nations Conspire - January 5, 2021

Richard Crisco is the Lead Pastor at Rochester Christian Church in Rochester Hills, MI, a church that has been a revival center for the region. He was also on staff at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, FL during the longest running single church revival in American history: a true move of the Holy Spirit that touched millions around the world. As we continue to seek another move of the Spirit, Pastor Richard talks about the crazy days we live in, and how these can be the kinds of times that can lead to a true Great Awakening.
THIS You Need to Fear - December 20, 2020

There's a lot of stuff one can get scared about these days. In this message you'll hear the one thing you really NEED to fear. Some things also in this message: some fun Bible nerd stuff, prayer for healing, words of knowledge, and more.
Shine- November 29, 2020

As Bible-believing Christians are increasingly pushed to the margins of our culture, we are not to shrivel up and fall away, we are to shine! But it is very important to know what is absolutely essential for us to survive in a hostile world, let alone to shine. Pastor Joe shares that key.sode.
Deplorables - November 15, 2020

Christians have increasingly been pushed to the margins in our culture, and will likely be even more in the coming days. But we are not to be intimidated into silence by the world's insults. Identifying with THE rejected, yet glorious One, we are to proclaim His praises like never before. There are also two very important prophetic words that are released in this episode.
Reparented - November 8, 2020

Reparenting is a form of psychotherapy in which a therapist or an individual him or herself actively assumes the role of a new or surrogate parental figure in order to treat psychological weaknesses caused by defective parenting. No matter how bad or even how good our parents were, there are areas in all our lives that are unhealthy because our parents neglected to develop us there, or even parented us wrongly. But in this continuation of a verse by verse study of 1 Peter, we see that God is actively reparenting those who have turned to him. As a result, aimless lives turn into lives of love and purpose.
God is NOT a Socialist - November 1, 2020

Although well-meaning, many Christians have embraced unbiblical political views. Although wanting to promote compassion and justice, they are actually doing the opposite, violating very clear biblical principles. As Christians who live in a Democratic Republic, we have a responsibility and will be called to account regarding the promotion biblical or unbiblical values.
Rejected, Elected, Perfected - October 26, 2020

Through the centuries, God's people have had to deal with rejection. We have been relatively spared in America. But things may change. Are we ready? We may become rejected, but a believer needs to know in the midst of rejection that he or she is elected, elected by God. And even in the midst of trials, we can experience the joy of being perfected!
Discipleship Detonation - October 18, 2020

For decades, churches have been forced to close around the world, especially in hostile nations. But churches have recently been ordered to close in parts of AMERICA! If the wrong people get in power in the upcoming elections, we will see persecution like never before. Are we ready? If we follow the biblical pattern for church, we will be ready. The Book of Acts teaches us that gatherings in houses were central to church life. In this teaching Pastor Joe equips you to be a Pastor in your own house church. The goal is to make disciples, leading to the multiplication of disciples and more house churches, no matter what the circumstances are around us.
Getting Into Your Business - October 11, 2020

God wants to get into our business right now. Are you willing to let him? Too many churches and too many Christians are not dealing with sin, when the BIble explicitly does. There is grace and power in the cross of Christ to live in victory. The sermon includes a time of communion at the close that you can get emblems and participate in too and receive forgiveness for your soul and even healing in your body.
Disciple or Distracted? - October 4, 2020

Jesus wants us to go and make disciples. But before that, he is giving us a precious invitation. He wants us to become his disciples! What is a disciple? Can being one today be as real as his the experience of the first 12?
The Last Hour - September 27, 2020

We are no longer in the last days. We are in The Last Hour. How do we know? The Bible gives us many clues. Are you prepared? We need not to be scared. We need to be prepared. How? Listen to this message. You might be surprized!
God Loves a Wrestling Match - September 20, 2020

Can one argue with God and win? Why don't our prayers get answered right away all the time? Could it be that God wants to have a little wrestling match with us, his kids? Do we really know who God is and how much he wants to bless us? Be stirred up and inspired to wrestle in prayer until you get the answer!
Activating Angels - September 13, 2020

Angels are all around us. And they are particularly assigned to help those who love and serve God. What can we do to make sure they are indeed working on our behalf? Find out here!
It's Labor Day - September 6, 2020

We are in a Labor Day, a day where we need to labor in prayer. And we can't just pray any way. We need to pray in a way that WORKS! Learn how to pray that way! Ends with a powerful testimony of the impact two old praying ladies, 80 years ago, have on the very days we live in!
What Are You Waiting For? - August 30, 2020

Joshua said to the children of Israel, what are you waiting for in taking your Promised Land? What are YOU waiting for? What is keeping you from your destiny and God's blessings? Also, what is the WHAT that you are waiting for? Do you even know what the what is! It is very important that you do.
Gimme That Mountain! - August 16, 2020

Caleb was ready to grab his inheritance, a mountain in the Promised Land, but the unbelief of those around him delayed his inheritance. We cannot let the obstacles to our inheritance from God, whether it's other people, other problems, stop us from persevering, and waiting if we have to. We WILL see our faith rewarded.
Ingredients for Revival - August 9, 2020

Are you spiritually dry? Are you facing spiritual warfare? Are you seeking relief? Or maybe you're past that and ready to impact your church, city, and nation! What is needed is REVIVAL! Personal and beyond. The Bible gives us the ingredients for revival, even to where the spiritual warfare stops, and impact begins.
Revival: It Can Still Happen - August 2, 2020

If America ever needed Spirit baptized people who pray in tongues day and night, the time is now. We need REVIVAL! And revival starts with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The great awakening in Ephesus, told about in Acts 19, started with the Apostle Paul asking, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" The result: the Word preached in power, extraordinary miracles accompanying it, followed by regional transformation! Revival: it can still happen!
The Day of the Saints - July 26, 2020

The end times are not a time to hide out or be afraid. Before the Day of the Lord, there must be a Day of the Saints, where "ordinary" people do the extraordinary, even in the simplest tasks that advance God's Kingdom on the earth.
Grow Up - July 19, 2020

Great testimonies of God’s blessings followed by a challenging call to leave carnal childishness behind and to grow up. What is the engine in your life? Is it body, soul or spirit? Are you still dealing with problems you had years ago when you should be advancing?
It Is Written - June 28, 2020

Did you ever wonder why the Bible has SO many lists of names? Name after name! In some places it's chapter after chapter of lists of names! There's a reason for that. God did that to show us something. God knows our names. He cares about each and every one of us. And he is writing down EVERYTHING we do for him. What do you want to be written about you?
Light Privilege - June 21, 2020

There IS privilege in our society. Some genuinely have it easier than others. But privilege is not something to be ashamed of or guilty over... if it is used for others. Pastor Joe transparently shares what growing up privileged allowed him to do. His privilege came from two amazing dads who grew up without privilege, but astonishingly worked their way into privilege in order to help others.
It's a Worship Problem - June 7, 2020

The world is spinning with problems. You may be facing problems. There are racial problems. There are injustice problems. There are health problems. There are financial problems. But in reality, if there's a problem somewhere, it ultimately is really... a worship problem! We were meant to worship the one true God. When we align with that created purpose, amazing wonderful things happen.
The Pentecostal Pave - May 31, 2020

In this day of heightened sensitivity to racial injustices, Pentecostals, of all people, should be those who are paving the way for racial harmony and unity. Pentecostalism is rooted in diversity, and its distinctive practice of speaking in tongues is a divine reminder of the power to break through every man-made and demonic barrier.
Blessed are the Peacemakers - May 16, 2020

In this day of rancor, debate, and accusation in politics, media, and even the church world, it seems to be a forgotten phrase that Jesus once spoke: "Blessed are the Peacemakers." The New Testament clearly teaches that it is peace among one another that God values. Indeed, a specific blessing comes to one who is a peacemaker.
For Conscience Sake - May 10, 2020

During this COVID-19 crisis, there are a lot of disagreements being expressed: with governing authorities and with one another. What is the response and attitude God wants us to have when we disagree? We also take communion at the end. Feel free to get yourself some bread and juice and join in!
A Church Family Easter - April 12, 2020

In the midst of everybody being isolated at home during this pandemic, we felt it was important to gather and interact together as best we can this Easter. Thus our Church Family Easter with some fun worship with the families of our worship leaders and a time for church members to challenge and encourage one another with testimonies and exhortations.
The Healing Power of Praise - April 5, 2020

Many today are overwhelmed with fear over the current pandemic. But the fear may be more dangerous than the disease itself. Fear actually dampens the immune system. Meanwhile, praise and worship can actually boost one's immune system and protect one not only from the coronavirus, but sickness in general! The message is preceded with a brief message and prayer from Jeanne Sazyc
The Rapture - March 29, 2020

It has been an object of mockery and derision, even in the church world. But never has the foundational doctrine of The Rapture ever been more relevant. Hear as Pastor Joe Sazyc explains how the scriptures describe a catching away of all believers before the greater judgments come to earth, and likely very soon.
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